Monday, May 16, 2011

Feeling blah, and needing some motivation!

I have been in such a funk lately, and feeling like I need a break from my life.  While I need a vacation desperately, I mainly just need to get out of my own way and actually DO the things that I have been putting off and I would feel so much better!  My husband and I discussed it this weekend, and he has been feeling the same way.  I am just so so good at finding “better” things to do, like watching TV shows with my husband, or staring at the computer or literally doing almost nothing at all (actually very important sometimes, but not as often as I do it!).  All procrastinating does is add MORE unneeded stress.  Stress= getting sicker and missing more work, which = more stress.  Sooo….It’s time for a new goals list! 
1)      get projects done at work that have been staring at me FOREVER (why am I screaming?)!  It is daunting, but doable: my main goal for the week is to accomplish one big thing per day, and get some of this clutter off of my desk and out of my head! 
2)      clean my room.  And vacuum my whole house.  And donate clothes. Basically, just spruce things up at home and get the clutter out.
3)      stop eating so much sugar and cookies!  I am happy with my body, but really, that type of eating is just mindless and unhealthy.  I am going to try to go a week without added sugar.  Fruit is okay.  I’m not a masochist.   
4)      continue my goal to get in shape, and keep adding in more exercise.  My goal has been to exercise for one hour at least three times a week.  I haven’t made that goal in a while, although I never go a full week without at least doing ZUMBA once.  I’d like to make it to my 3X’s a week goal more often!
5)      try Hot Yoga at least once this week.  My pass that I bought is about to expire! 
6)      FINNALLY (there I go again; yelling my key board off), go get a massage.  I’ve had two gift cards for over a year just sitting there!  That is just stupid.
7)      spend more time with the people I love and try not to be self centered, no matter what is going on in my life. 
8)      finish reading the Harry Potter series before my sister starts to hate me! Plus, I am really enjoying those books anyway, when I make the time to read.  :)

*And just for fun, I’m going to wear a dress every day this week.  I’ve had some of my dresses for years, but I have only worn them each once or twice!  What the heck am I saving them for anyway?  Today I am wearing a cute wrap dress with tall brown boots.  :)
My motivation to get these things done is to feel good and have nothing to worry about when I do get to go on vacation this summer (I have a few planned for once), or when my brother and sister are here visiting.  Time to get out of my own way and just do it! 

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